Wednesday, August 19, 2009


These last 2 weeks have been total craziness.. and an emotional roller coaster.
To start with on the 7th Scar .. our 1 yr old pit started pooping blood. on the 8th we took him to the Emergency vet to make sure that he hadn't swallowed anything. $378.00 later .. xray was clear and he was put on meds. The meds worked for about 24 hours then it started all over again. We were devastated seeing our baby in pain and not having any moeny to find out was was wrong and fix it. After sharing with friends what was going on.. a guardian angel showed up. Her name is Theresa. She covered Scars complete vet visit that monday. Without her our baby would have gone untreated and who knows what could have happened. Our baby was diagnosed with hookworms that had turned into a nightmare of an intestinal infection. Now almost 2 weeks later after a dewormer, special foods & meds our baby is back to normal. Theresa showed us that there are still people out there who genuinely care and are willing to lend a helping hand. We will forever be grateful for having her in our lives and will keep our word to pay it forward.
Along came Friday the 14th .. Adopt a thon day!! Feeling good because our baby was feeling better.. we went ahead and volunteered to help PIT STOP BULLYS RESCUE. After having 3 little foster puppies for 2 weeks for them I was assigned puppy duty. Guess thats just where I fit in. It was a long 24 hours but so worth it. Through the event all of our puppies found new homes. Last I heard a total of almost 150 dogs had found new homes. I cant even begin to explain how proud I felt to have been a part of such a wonderful event!!
Then came my final dilema for the week. Saturday as we are driving home from the event.. exhausted... i get a call from one of my friends telling me not to bring the Honda to the house.. because he had just stopped by the house and a repo truck had pulled up right behind him asking him all sorts of questions and advised him that he had an order to repo the Honda. This hit me like a ton of bricks. I had called CITI financial Friday as I knew I was late on my payment. I had made an arrangement with a manager.. who had given me an amount to pay to stop the repo. So Sunday I called in again to confirm the amount before going to Walmart to send the money to CITI.. at which point I was told by another rep that the first amount was incorrect.. and that it was almost $200.00 more. So that night we made the choice to give the Honda back to CITI. There was no way I would be able to come up with the money.. especially after just having paid Scars emergency vet bill and I was not about to continue to keep hiding the car. So Monday I started brainstorming and remembered all the bridges I hadn't burned when I worked for the finance company.. I made a few phone calls to some of the dealers I used to deal with on a daily basis.. and went to one that same night. We were approved right away for a 2000 Honda Odyssey EX. The payments were lower than our Honda Accord was .. and we will finish paying off the Odyssey almost 2 whole years before we would have been done with the Accord. We went home and gathered our stips and picked up the Odyssey yesterday. I am totally in love with it. Its super roomy and we can now travel comfortable with our dogs. Today the Accord was finally picked up. Although it really sucks.. because of all the money that was put into the Accord.. I truly do believe that things were meant to happen this way and in the end its for the best!
Our next step will be to file for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. After doing lots of research.. this will be our best option to start with a clean slate .. especially with a repo. Now begins a new chapter for us.

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